1 Million Campaign

Conditions for the 1 Million x 30 second radio spots campaign:
1. The campaign is for the advertising and media industry only
2. The campaign will run for one month
3. Spots are sold in multiples of 1,000
4. All orders must be paid for on ordering at (link to booking page)
5. Points are valid for 1 year only
6. All spots are run of station between 6.00am and 10.00pm
7. There is only one spot per hour per station
8. Once promotional spots are sold, all spots are then at the station’s normal rate card rate
9. Geographical area for booking needs to be identified when booking, such as Sydney North, or all of Sydney, or all of NSW or National
10. All campaigns and audio material is subject to B Radio Network’s Terms and Conditions located at https://www.bradionetwork.com/b-radio-tandcs
11. Spots cannot be used for gambling, gaming, alcohol, adult services, religious or political messaging.

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